@Crowsar Samurai Asshole has gained more attention than ever. Yeah, there are a few people that don't know his game or the fact that Samurai Asshole and Pico School live in the same universe. Samurai Asshole is probably the prototype for Dad N Me and Castle Crashers since Samurai Asshole is a beat em up. But compared to the cast of forgotten Newgrounds characters, Samurai Asshole is doing just fine. Plus it helps that he was added in Newgrounds Rumble. I respect NegativeOne defending Samurai Asshole inclusion because every fighting game needs those classic and legacy characters. Plus he has a sword and a badass personality.
Been looking through your sprites for your Pico School Mugen fighting game and I adore the effort you went through making them.
Pico captures what I love about Pico. He is a brawler and not a zoner, yes he uses guns but in Pico School 2 and in Pico vs Uberkids he is a brawler when it comes to 1v1. Plus I love his crouch attack is him breakdancing, it fits him really well.
Although I haven't played Otis I do respect the passion you give for the character. Although Otis isn't a popular character, he is important to Newgrounds. Having a Pico School Mugen game that doesn't include Otis would be miss potential. Heck, I would love to see people add Otis as a skin/alt color for Pico since he deserves the reference. I know "Project: NG" Convict alt color refrence Otis but it does bug me that Pico doesn't have an alt color that refrence Otis as well.
Anyways good luck with the project. Hoping to play as them in 2023.
Currently 7 Years of Sprite, I hope I can make it better, all he had some of fighting that Pico use.
The fan would surprise if done Pico Series right.
After FNF came along Otis slowly get more attention and he has his own fan.
I mean Otis is only character that wear blue shirt which it my favorite.
Shame Otis disappear after Pico Day 2006 until 2022 finally appear in animation in this site.
even Samurai Asshole is Underutilized of Newgrounds fandom.
Otis will get his own moveset fighting games which it better not just skin or alt color. So he won't gonna be same move as Pico.
Like he use his own games. Otis has many weapons, I had chose the best one what he using his favorite Alien Hominid gun.
The Goth Punks gonna be fun play for MUGEN. It will be few years away.