Choosing Better Huminiod Damien @Marblemack Or @Cootiegirl? For Mugen (Fighting Game)
In the future, I plan to use still Marblemack Damien if not? I would chose Cootiegirl Damien.
If for Current Design for Damien Huminiod recent time.
Most Votes will stay the version that I using.
It also for Mugen (Fighting Game) making sprite for Damien few year later.
Most Pico Series Character will coming soon it will take many years to be done.
I'll be counting all the vote until who think is a better Version to keep using the character.
You can vote on Twitter or Youtube Community in 1 week, before it end.
If the Character doesn't enough vote then I will never use that version again and the future.
If the Character got the most vote then I chose and Stay the character as alway.
Choose wisely
Wish your luck to see True Damien Humanoid that fit to the Pico Cousin 2.