The Results goes to @Marblemack Damien.
@Cootiegirl verison of Damien didn't have enough vote.
Marblemack Damien will be in Mugen for future years.
Cootiegirl one look cool. Sticking with Marblemack.
This is the results
Not even twitter poll didn't vote enough. It has only 3 votes to change it.
So far Marblemack Damien look more as the bully and tough cousin to Cassandra.
Which Cootiegirl Damien look more a Scientific, Doctor or Evil Genius.
Cootiegirl version look nice but more people want Marblemack one like the Penilian one.
I had a lot work to do with Pico School Fighting Game to be good roster.
Would wish more fan supporting the upcoming project.